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Not to be confused with the mindless antics of those who if they had another brain cell, it would be lonely.

Some of our readers may be interested in supporting the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) project that is currently being undertaken by St Leonard’s School, Blandford, or even extending it into other schools, youth groups.

The D.A.R.E. project itself is a Charity, with its Head Office in Nottingham, and has existed in the UK since 1994 when the project took hold, but had existed and was started in America a few years previous to that.

The Charity provides a 14-week education programme for Primary/Middle school age children, with 12 of the one-hour sessions being delivered by a uniformed Police Officer with the remaining two lessons being delivered by the classroom teacher.

The aim of the programme is to help young children develop life skills and in particular to resist drugs, alcohol and violence. Particular emphasis is given to the ability to resist peer pressure and the skills relative to that issue. The aim of the Charity is to make a measurable contribution in the reduction of drugs, solvent, alcohol and violence by educating children on the consequences of drug abuse, providing them with the means to resist temptation to experiment and mobilising the support of the whole community. 

Financial Implications

The programme incurs some small costs, which are borne by the parents and the school, but the larger costs are mostly borne by the sponsors in the local community and the Police. This sponsorship provides the children with a sense of support from the community, school, parents and the Police and shows the children that people and the community cares what happens to them.

Supporting Police forces provide the officers to deliver the programme in class. Salary costs are met from Police Authority budgets. “Invisible” costs of heat and lighting etc are met by the school. All other costs in terms of materials, literature and supporting information is provided by D.A.R.E. (UK) at nil cost to the police force and the school. Voluntary local units raise such funds with items such as this to local companies, groups and organisations.

The Charity receives no funding from Government, Education or Health sources. Current cost per child is £2.50 plus £3.50 for a D.A.R.E. T-shirt on completion of the programme – a total of £6.00 per head.

It is hoped that someone will be able to contribute to this worthwhile cause, which has implications for us all downstream with the wider issues that drugs, alcohol and violence problems bring with them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, if you require any more information, please contact Russell Webster tel: 01258 482980 (work) or 01258 488398 (Home).

Milton Abbas Activity Road show August 19 - 23

This will be held at the Milton Abbas Sports Club from 10 am - 4pm daily for young people age 5 - 14 years.
Activities include crafts, quizzes, nature, games and sports.
Group and individual activities will be arranged for ages 5- 7 and 8 -14.
Charges are £2 for half a day, £4 a full day and £16 a full week per child.
* For more information and to book, please contact Val Lamb on 01258 880523
The week is run by North Dorset Leisure Services and sponsored by Milton Abbas Sports Club and Milton Abbas Trust for Community and Heritage MATCH). The sports club is at the top end of the village on the Whitechurch road.

Youth Club

One year on the Youth Club is still going strong with approximately 30 children registered. With the dedication of Linda Atkins and Paul Hopkins, the clubs runs every other week for children aged 8 1/2 - 16 years.

The committee and the children of Milborne Youth Club would like to thank Linda and Paul for all their commitment, time and hard work over the past year in making the Youth Club a great success.


Milborne W.I and Milborne Post Office.

The fantastic, talented ladies of Milborne WI presented a wonderful story sack about elephants to the children in  Reception and Year One at Milborne School.

The reception children have been finding out about different uses for writing, and decided to write individual letters to thank the ladies. Once the letters had been written they thought about how to get the letters to the ladies, and decided to post them. This meant a cold and windy walk to Milborne post Office where each child bought a stamp and posted their letter. Not only were they greeted with a smile and patience as they gathered their courage to ask for a stamp, but Philip kindly demonstrated how his computerised system works.

The children have set up a Postal system in the classroom and now wish to add a computer system to it !

Thank you for your support.

J.Clarke        Reception Class teacher.

Milborne ALL STARS Club.

The club restarted in June last year and 8 –10 children from Milborne First School and St Mary’s Middle School Puddletown attend regularly on Tuesdays at 12 Stileham Bank between 4.00 and 5.00pm. 

Last summer when the weather was hot, the children enjoyed being outside for games, picnics etc. In the autumn term we prepared for the children’s festival, which took place at Salisbury Cathedral on October 27th. This was a tremendous occasion when, once again, the cathedral was packed with children and parents doing activities connected to the Gospel stories, which, as the Bishop reminded us, included all of us.

Soon after the festival we had our usual fireworks party and after that we were busy preparing for Advent and Christmas. We finished the term with a Christmas party in the Village Hall. 

This term we have been looking at the Old Testament stories and watching some videos. 

We made special sweets for Mothering Sunday and now are looking forward to building the Easter Garden in the 
Church and to the services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Rosy Coldwell

Derek Clarke Resigns

The parish Council would like to express our gratitude to Derek Clarke for all the work, time and effort he put in during his many years, on and off, as a parish councilor. His knowledge and advice has been beneficial to us all.

Bettie Lewis
Vice Chairman.